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Stacey Ellis

With over 1000 hours of live TV experience, Stacey is a quick-witted and confident presenter. Her cheeky and spontaneous humour has been a huge hit with viewers across all groups. Stacey has accumulated great experience in the past from hosting legal debate shows to presenting the Smash Hits Pop Party tour, but her heart has always been with shopping TV. Stacey adores gemstones and is dedicated to educating viewers and making the world of gemstones accessible to all. As an avid gemstone collector herself, Stacey really does have the perfect job at TJC.

What is your favourite gemstone?

Paraiba for the collector, tanzanite as it’s so beautiful, Russian diopside for the amazing richness of greens. But when people ask me what they should buy right now.... Zultanite, trust me in 5 years’ time you will be glad you did! I know that's more than one but it’s impossible to pick

If you could sum up your look and aesthetic in three words, what would they be?

Feminine, relaxed, and classic.

Any fashion or jewellery tips?

If you love it buy it – It’s that simple.

Who is your ultimate style icon?

Jennifer Aniston. Her style is effortlessly cool and comfortable - and is totally doable for the rest of us.

Any embarrassing on-screen moments?

Plenty, but my most embarrassing moment to date happened at the last Tucson gem show – not really on screen, but a real cringe moment! After a long day of filming I was taken out to a beautiful restaurant by the big bosses of TJC. Amit, our Head Gem Buyer handed what I thought was a sweet across the table, so I popped it in my mouth.... everyone at the table shouted nooooooo! Well it wasn’t an M & M! To my horror, it was actually a really rare cat’s eye rubellite. Don’t think I’ll ever live that one down

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