(Worth : £ 379) Natural Baltic Amber Necklace (Size -26.0)


4d 6h 6m 57s

Expires:08/12/2024 02:53:49 pm
£62 (24 bids)
J.B is Winning!

An absolutely ravishing piece of jewellery, this Natural Baltic Amber Necklace embodies the free spirited appeal of a modern woman. It is raw and unbridled and personifies the boho soul that thrives in your body. The fancy amber gemstones carry an earthy appeal in their raw uncut form. Size -26 length enhances the bold and casual look of the necklace.

  • Designed with 20 Amber Fancy Free Cabochon Cut
  • Size -26 necklace offers limitless options in styling up outfits with a nuckline
  • Natural shape of the Baltic Ambers offers an intriguing look
  • Stringing is perfect and sturdy to sustain the weight of the gemstones

(Worth : £ 379) Natural Baltic Amber Necklace (Size -26.0)


4d 6h 6m 57s

Expires:08/12/2024 02:53:49 pm
£62 (24 bids)
J.B is Winning!

An absolutely ravishing piece of jewellery, this Natural Baltic Amber Necklace embodies the free spirited appeal of a modern woman. It is raw and unbridled and personifies the boho soul that thrives in your body. The fancy amber gemstones carry an earthy appeal in their raw uncut form. Size -26 length enhances the bold and casual look of the necklace.

  • Designed with 20 Amber Fancy Free Cabochon Cut
  • Size -26 necklace offers limitless options in styling up outfits with a nuckline
  • Natural shape of the Baltic Ambers offers an intriguing look
  • Stringing is perfect and sturdy to sustain the weight of the gemstones
Learn more about Gemstone Enhancements
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