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More About Layered Necklaces

Slay your Day Wearing Trendy Layered Necklaces Online

You wouldn’t even know how a stylish necklace became a part of you when it looks elegant and feels convenient on your neckline. The easiest way to amp up your fashion quotient is simply wearing jewellery pieces that truly match your personal preference and blend well with your persona. Don’t get us wrong but wearing a layered necklace will take your accessorising powers to the next level. How? The trend starting only in the past decade still holds strong and will get you noticed for your excellent taste in fashion. Are you clumsy with layering necklaces? No need to learn the art or spend time planning your look when you can choose from the chic layered necklaces available at TJC.

Complete Your Look with Our Online Layered Necklaces

Why stick to just one necklace when you can wear a couple of them and even three with the same perfection? If you are a true maximalist, we are sure you love the idea too. The luscious finishing of rose gold, yellow gold and platinum allow you to pick a metallic tone that you feel an affinity to. To make our designs thoughtful, they are strewn with celestial elements, religious symbol, hearts, colourful jewels and whatnot. Sometimes you need to follow your heart and be less whimsical and take an unexpected turn. For those occasions our enamelled pieces with unique texturing and multi-coloured jewels are the best fit.

How to Style a Layered Necklace?

Our curated UK layered necklaces will provide a wonderful finishing touch to your outfits. These stunning pieces are crafted from sumptuous metal like sterling silver, gold and platinum. For women who want to do some extra saving with jewellery shopping, we also have demi-fine layered variety. If you can’t find the right piece for yourself, follow our guide below:-

Multi-layered Necklaces:- These neck accessories come with three different layers or more. One touching your collarbone, the second layer dropping below it, and the third touching your chest area, they add plenty of bling to your stature. Our collection features products with multiple strings, with each layer formed by different links for an exotic look. Another type of bauble you will adore are pieces with stylish pendants dangling on each layer. You simply have to open the clasp and ensure the layers do not overlap with one another to grace our multi-layered neck accessories.

Two-Layer Necklaces:- A neck jewellery suitable for deep necklines; depending on your level of sophistication and boldness, you can pick our two-layered pieces. If stealing attention is what you wish to achieve, go for jewellery with different texture and gemstones added to the two tiers. For donning an effortless look that is head-turning too, wear our neck jewellery combining a dainty chain and a bold string of pearls or charms.

Mixing Metals:- Breaking the consistency rules, you can go for a necklace featuring two different tones. It adds a refreshing touch to your looks and also becomes a highlight of your outfit. Don’t want to take the bold step? You can string a yellow gold pendant on our sterling silver pieces and try on this approach with subtlety.

Medallions Charms of the shape of coins became the new normal in the fashion world a few years ago. We aren’t done with it yet, and neither are the fashion connoisseurs. With carving of popular symbols, revered religious figures and more, the medals-like dangling add a classic charm to the necklaces. These coin charms are features of stunning chain pattern for crafting jaw-dropping designs.

What are you waiting for? Shop now and devour your favourite design before everyone else grabs it!

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