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More About Alexite Jewellery

Alexite is a simulated gemstone and a version of Alexandrite gemstone. It has a colour changing trait and is crafted from synthetic glass containing rare earth minerals. A beautiful gemstone with its dramatic colour shifting nature, it is available in the shades of blue to purple and green to orange depending on the varied light sources. It also makes this gemstone quite splendid at first glance.

TJC exhibits a gorgeous collection of Alexite jewellery for witnessing pieces that one could possible dream for:

Alexite Rings

Alexite rings in the colours of purple, blue, green and orange are alluring to see. Beautifully crafted with ingenious work of skilled craftsmanship and with precious to semi-precious metals, the entire arrangement is irresistible. To say the least, having a piece of Alexite ring is simply an experience to witness as the stupendous colour changing nature of this stone is more than a delight.

Alexite Pendant

March in wearing an exemplary pendant collection from TJC that spells of brilliance in every piece. The mind fuming amalgamation of this stunning gemstone and sterling silver setting evokes a glare to get enamoured with.

Alexite Bracelet

Having a surreal embodiment capturing your wrist with an immaculate bling is something every woman would ask for. Alexite bracelet is a treat you can certainly gift your loved ones. It calls for a gorgeous detailing with a sterling silver setting to enchant the masses.

Alexite Earrings

Let your drops, studs and loop earrings govern a fresh and new statement with Alexite gemstone. Your earlobe witnessing a colour changing effect is no less than a site to behold. After all, a bling here and there is what we all lust for? Isn’t it?

Alexite jewellery is sheer love and to sense the awesomeness it is loaded with, you have to buy at least one in your pristine trinket collection. Without any further ado, grab a piece or two from TJC.