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More About Agate Beads

This beautiful Agate stone comes from the family of Quartz, known for healing properties with the composition of silicon dioxide found in it - a mineral also found in human body. The gem is further known for the wide array of colours it offers along with the mineral deposits layered into it in very symmetric pattern. The natural agate beads used in our fine jewellery range witness some of its very unique hues and deposits, creating very fine and circular symmetry around its circumference. Offering dreamy quality and signature band design, created with the deposition of mineral into it, the Agate stone is perfect for all the jewellery and stone lovers.

TJC’s Collection of Agate beads:

In our fine jewelry collection, we used the beads of agate and their aesthetics to bring out the best for our customers, looking for Agate beads in UK. Below are some mentioned products and designs that we have in our collection, go through the facts below and then make the rightful purchase of this beautiful and insightful stone.

Bracelets:- The agate bead bracelets are pretty high in trends these days. Due to the rich and exquisite colour they emit, these bracelets look classic and can be sought in any desired colour or style. In TJC’s collection of bracelets, we offer cushion, oval and shapes as unique as the gemstone itself.

Necklace:- In the gorgeous agate bead necklaces in the range you can witness above, we give some exemplary neck pieces with the agate in different colours. The very unique multicoloured necklace or the station designed piece look fresh and attractive in here with the touch of smooth metal finish. Some of these products are even melanges with other stones and beads to form a perfect neck adornment for every classic and memorable occasion.

Jewellery set:- Got no time to mix and match? We got this covered for you. With the jewellery sets we offer, we give a complete combo of products to cater with all your needs. Whether it’s about a necklace or earrings or just a beautiful bracelet, you can find your ideal mate right here. We even offer the rare and rich black agate beads embedded in these products, giving a very attractive appeal to each jewellery piece in this set.

Chains:- Embedded with the round beads of the Agate, in these chains you can see a fine strand filled with colourful agate beads, each carved with perception. The yellow and green colour pretty well rule these chains, and hence, offer you fine hand carved beads and rich colours of the same.

Why chose TJC?

With a motto to bestow only the best of agate beads online in our unique jewellery collection, you can get your hands on one of the finest products at one place. With the commendable services and assured quality of products offered, you can sit back and relax while our team gets the best for you. The agate in our premium collection is offered in various colours ranging from bright yellow, greens to the dark black and blue agate beads so you can close your eyes and pick out your soul colour.