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Amethyst Gemstone

Casting a spell on the onlookers, amethyst stone is a gem that’s coveted by uncountable connoisseurs and designers.



Casting a spell on the onlookers, amethyst stone is a gem that’s coveted by uncountable connoisseurs and designers. Enriched with an engaging purple and violet hue, its clarity is almost intoxicating. Amethyst is also gifted with the rare pleochroic property, which makes it retain different colours when viewed from different angles. Belonging to the quartz family of crystals, it is known to be used primarily as a centre stone. Below is mentioned all the information that you’ll ever need, so read on to know more.

New Arrivals in Amethyst

Origin & Supply

Amethyst gemstone comes with a lot of tales and lore. In fact, if you break down the name, it translates into “not drunken.” The meaning of amethyst comes from Latin origins of the word “amethystus.” It is called so because it was believed that the stone holds power against inebriation. It was said that if you drank from the gauntlet made from this stone, you’d never get drunk. The ancients also referred to it “Gem of Fire” because of how passionate and intense its hues are. There a wonderful Greek legend behind the name of this stone, which teaches us lessons of harsh and impulsive acts.

How is Amethyst Mined?

The mines in Brazil come abundantly gifted with this stunning gem. This mining procedure is done under the earth, where these geodes are lodged in volcanic rocks. The workers work through the tunnel veins to find the rocks. The geodes are then hollowed out using precise machine process or even by hands. A process called “cobbing” takes care of the removal of unwanted mass, where the unwanted parts are gently hammered away.

Facts About Amethyst

  • Counted among the more powerful and effective ones, amethyst birthstone is a true choice of many. It is beneficial for the February born and brings them hoards f luck, joy, and happiness.
  • Amethyst’s healing properties are known famously in the healing world. It is considered to be among the most powerful healing crystals. It is also believed that it provides physical and mental strength.
  • Amethyst’s meaning is related with the Greek word “amesthystus,” which translates into “not drunken.” It was believed that if you drank out of chalices made from or studded with amethysts rocks, you won’t get drunk.
  • For the people born under the sign of Pisces, amethyst stone is the one that brings them luck.
  • Some people say that if you dream of amethyst, it means you’re guarded and safe from evil eye and negativity.
  • Amethyst and citrine are called sister stones, as the only difference between them is their colour.
  • Amethyst’s powers are considered strong and helpful in the healing world. It is believed that it can help in curing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It may also be used to control anxiety.
  • Amethyst stone is known for its royal hues all across the world. In fact, it can be seen in the treasury of Royal British Jewels, too.

Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst is a stone that’s widely and vastly known for its colour and clarity. Belonging to the quartz group on minerals, it is considered to be among the more prized crystals. The gem boasts of hypnotizing light lavender to deep violet hues, which depend on the deposits of aluminium and iron. Made of silicon dioxide, the stone is very much revered and coveted. Spotting a real amethyst is easy in the market. There are 4 major factors that let you in on the quality of the stone. Now, you can find the worth of your crystal yourself and here’s how:

  • Colour: The biggest and the most commonly determining factor of the stone is its colour. Amethyst stone is costlier as it gets darker in shade. The stone boasts of a rich and spell-binding rare violet shade. As the quality of the stone goes up, the shade gets darker to the point of reddish violet tones, which are passionate, rare, and expensive.
  • Cut: Another redeeming factor of your stone’s quality will be its cut. Amethyst is a stone that’s more expensive as it gets larger. The more popular cuts are round and oval, which are ideal to be used as centrally placed stones in jewellery design ideas.
  • Clarity: Like most other crystals, your amethyst gem is going to be expensive if it’s absolutely clear and absent of visual obstructions. Most of amethyst crystals in jewellery have no visual inclusions, at least the one visible to the naked eye. However, if you use the magnification, you can determine its grade by observing how clean it is.
  • Carat: The quality of the amethyst gem that you have can certainly be determined with its carat weight. This is a gem that’s available in several sizes and carat weights. However, it is deemed to be noted that the traditional cuts amount to only about 8% of the production. It leaves scope for different sizes and weights.

What to Remember While Buying Amethyst?

If you’re going out to buy amethyst stone, then there are some helpful tips that you can heed attention to. These will assist you in buying an exceptional piece for the right value:

  • Unlike other crystals, amethyst stone has richer shades in smaller sizes as well. That said, it looks incredible in mammoth sizes, so you can choose to go bold with a behemoth centre stone design, too.
  • Amethyst isn’t a costly gemstone. In fact, due to its recently found abundance, it is among the more affordable gems. The larger sizes and carat weighs don’t have much effect on the prices of these crystals, either.
  • Remember that amethyst is worn best in its crystalline way. Do not compromise on the cut. You should opt for a stone that comes with a higher count of faceting that lets it sparkle from every direction.
  • Another helpful thing to note is that amethyst is relatively harder stone, ranking at 7 in the Mohs Scale of hardness. It means that it’s not easily scratchable and can only be damaged with elements that are harder
  • When you’re shopping for this stone, you must also know that there are grades of quartz that are available in the same colour, too. While amethyst is a naturally occurring stone, there are treatments of irridation given to clear quartz, too, to make them resemble amethyst. Always ask your jeweller about the authenticity of the stone and if it’s treated.


What is the meaning of amethyst?

Amethyst is regarded as one of the most sacred spiritual stones in the healing community. The spiritual healing of amethyst brings the wearer cleansing and healing from the negative energies.

What are benefits of wearing amethyst?

Other than the aesthetic brilliance of the sparkling gemstone, it has metaphysical properties, too. It is considered to bring peace and protects the wearer against evil eye and negative energy. It also enhances your intuitive powers.

Does amethyst help with anxiety?

Many healers across the globe claim that wearing amethysts calms you down a lot. In fact, even if you place in the corner of the room, it has strong positive waves that help you gain confidence, hence, decreasing anxiety.

Are there any negative effects of wearing amethyst?

No, amethyst is regarded as a strong and powerful positive stone, with its spiritual vibrations being used for cleansing. It blocks out the negativity and keeps you absolutely safe.

Is amethyst valuable?

Yes, amethyst stone has been considered to be among the most treasured and valuable stones since ancient times. It is, however, abundantly found, which makes it inexpensive.

Does amethyst scratch easily?

No, the said stone ranks very high on the Mohs Scale of Hardness, at 7. With only sapphire and diamonds above it, it is tough, resilient, and safe from easy scratching.

How do you clean amethyst stone?

Cleaning of the stone requires warm water and liquid soap solution. Use mild detergent and soak the stone in soapy water for about 15 minutes. Gently wipe the grime from it using a soft washcloth and let it air dry.

Does amethyst fade in the Sun?

Like other coloured quartz, amethyst crystal does in fact fade in the Sun. What’s more troubling is that there is no way to restore the colour once it’s faded. Try not to wear the crystal in the Sun for longer duration.

Is amethyst treated artificially?

Amethyst is a naturally-occurring gemstone and is not usually artificially synthesized. However, some of its lighter colours are treated with heat to enhance to hue. In some cases, you may find the practice of colouring of clear quartz till it turns purple.

What amethyst colour is the most valuable?

While amethyst is a gemstone that’s available in a rich scale of purple, from light lilac to deep violet, the best shade of it is regarded as the passionate and intense shades of purple. As the colour gets darker, the value of this gem increases.

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